Dragele mele de asta nu am postat in ultima vreme pentru ca un net super dubios nu reusesc sa pun poze, nu reussesc sa intru pe blogul meu5care totusi merge ) ...culmea. Telefonul care e tot prin internet se blocheaza cica "din cauza vremii" a nins vreo 10 cm . Azi nu a circulat nici un bus in oras tot din cauza asta casa va faceti o idee depre cum resimt francezii din zonele unde nu sunt obisnuiti cu zapada iarna
Rocsi eu una sa m-am saturat de peste cred ca nu mai mananc o vreme , am facut azi o ciorba lipoveneasa de peste si abia am putut manca o jumate de farfurie simteam ca am ajuns la saturatie .
is an anonymous social networking platform where users can engage in text and video chats with strangers worldwide. It offers a unique way to meet new people and share thoughts without the need for an account. To use Omegle, simply visit the website, choose between text or video chat options, and start conversing with random users. The effects of Omegle can be both positive and negative; it promotes global friendships but can also expose users to inappropriate content or cyberbullying. Overall, it’s a fun way to connect, but users should exercise caution and prioritize their safety while online.