How realistic is it to create my own game?
16.05.2024 / 18:34
I bet loads of folks would love to develop their own game 'cause, at the very least, it's cool and can bring in some money. Budgets and investments often hold people back, but finding reliable developers takes effort too. Basically, when you start thinking about how much needs to be done, your ambitions can shrink.

16.05.2024 / 18:47
Max451 reply:
- But if you've got the budget for development and good specialists, why not, right? I'm sure finding a dev team won't take too long. These services are in demand nowadays.
Sounds pretty awesome to me, and nowadays, things are way easier when it comes to game development opportunities. At least you can work with specialists like Arrible https://arrible.com/. I particularly like their approach to work — they don't work with freelancers, but have a permanent team of experts in-house, providing full-cycle development.